Our little island provides a home for diverse marine ecosystems, supports regional economies, holds cultural significance for First Nations communities and provides recreation for hundreds of thousands of residents and visitors. Tasmania’s coastal waters have high biodiversity and endemism but are in a state of decline and increasing pressure from climate change, fishing and aquaculture operations, agricultural run-off, urban development, and population growth. Where problems have been identified, there is often no recovery or threat abatement plan.
lutruwita/Tasmania has a diverse network of rivers which provide our drinking supply, support farming and other business activities and provide a playground for water sports and anglers. lutruwita/Tasmania prides itself on having a clean, green image, underpinned by a perception of abundant and pristine freshwater resources. A closer look suggests that many of our rivers are already under significant stress and are likely to become further damaged as climate change progresses. Added to this is the increasing demand for further extractions to support ambitious irrigation, hydropower, aquaculture, mining and other developments.
Tasmania's forests provide a home for native species, have deep cultural significance to the palawa people, provide a welcome break for bushwalkers and sustain the forestry industry. Despite decades of debates, many of Tasmania's native forests are still not protected from clearfell and fire. Committing to leaving these forests standing is becoming increasingly important as we face the threat of climate change and the increasing loss of biodiversity.
PROJECTSThe Tasmanian Independent Science Council works across Tasmania's environment, focussing on forests and fire, freshwater and oceans.